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For everyone who can't keep up with me...this should help!

Click on Riley to see my baby!


Sweet Jesus! I've just declared the Next Joe Millionaire as the SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!!!!


This is why I've been so busy lately....
My sweetie and me

What's new?
Long time, I know! I'm now a student at Bluefield College and I work full time at Warm Hearth Village in Blacksburg, VA in Human Resources. Still with Charlie, my sweetheart, and we're happier than ever... hopefully I'll have more time to write soon!
WELL! It's been nearly a year since my last entry. So much has happened. I have a super new job that I love and the man that I've adored for years is back in my life again. In my wildest dreams, I would have never imagined this, but here it is and I don't know what to do with myself. I'm so happy! Will post again soon. April 
I'm getting smarter about home improvement. I've been so proud of myself! :) I've steamed off out-dated wall borders--that's my biggest accomplishment, even though it's super easy. Had good company at the house all weekend, so I was a happy girl. Well, back to work now.
Blahhhhhh....work is so blllahhhhhhhhh.... That's all for today.
I'm loving my house. Getting everything situated the way I want it has been the biggest challenge. Other than that, I'm loving it. Parties are scheduled and the ball is rolling! :)
WOW! I finally got the keys to my new house yesterday. I met with the lawyers, signed all the papers, and everything is done. I'm soooo happpppyyyyyy!!!!!!!! New Man, new house, and hopefully soon a new job! :) 
JON WON AT KANSAS RACEWAY!!!!! I'm so excited!!! I put in some pictures. I'm so proud!!!!
Back to work after 4th vacation time. I need a vacation to recover, though! ;)  Hopefully I'll be going on a long vacation soon. I can't wait. I'm in dire need of some quality time off. Weather it's a bunch of girls or some time off alone with my sweetie, I don't care. Just get me out of here!



Busy, busy, busy... I made the offer and they accepted it, just have to get the appraisal. I'm not looking forward to that. Work is still the same. Still sucks, but hopefully in the next month's time, the new position will be set up and I'll be set. Looking forward to it! :)
Still trying to buy a house. I never knew it was going to be this hard! I hope to make another offer this week and will hopefully know something by Sunday. Will keep ya posted...
Mental Anguish, Mental Anguish!!! What a strange and funny time in my life right now... There are so many things that I just don't understand. I've always known that God was there, but it's times like these that I am positive. When you know that you're trying your very hardest to do the right thing and make things work out the way you want them to, and even though you follow all the rules and do your best, it turns out differently, that's when you know that God is there. 
Woah man, I don't know about the butterflies,...I think my stomach is eating itself!
Still in the process of buying a house...don't know where that might lead, but I hope to find out asap because I'm becoming impatient. So many people are asking what's my flava right now. It's a secret! But hopefully I can break my silence soon! :) I have butterflies!
Well, I'm still alive! That's the general description of my life right now. I'm still kickin butt as best I can, trying to get things done, and I'm still in the process of buying my house!!!! I'm so excited!!! I have a new agent. His name is Andy, he's a hottie, and I like him a WHOLE LOT! He works for buyers only. My former agent worked with the buyer and with the seller--thus, the seller LOSES big time. Wahoo! I hope this works out! :) Will keep ya posted! :)
Hi! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. A lot's been going on lately. I stay so busy, I don't have time for anything but work! :( But I try to stay focused and keep in mind that when something is meant to give, it will. I have a busy weekend planned. Geez! Hopefully I'll get everything in that I want to do without passing out. :) My good buddy is going back out of town Sunday--back to the Navy. :(  That makes me a sad panda. :(
Happy Birthday Briana! :) 5!
Hi! I'm working at the same place still. I haven't gotten a new job yet. Maybe next time. The holidays were great. It was a nice break, and I slept a lot! :)
Well, I interviewed for a new job Monday and I have a second interview for the same position tomorrow. I'm excited, but nervous! I almost have my Christmas shopping done. Hopefully Saturday, I'll finish it up. My life is a little complicated right now. Seems like a bunch of stressful things all just hit me at one time recently. But work keeps my mind occupied. Maybe someday I'll learn to cope better. 
Wahoo! It's my birthday! I'm 22! Yay, me! I should have taken the day off. I'm sooo not in the work mode today. Thanksgiving was okay. Hopefully Christmas will be better though. Well, I am hoping to get a new job for Christmas. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)
Hello, I'm going out of town this weekend! Wahoo!!! It's about time!!!!! Kiss my butt, work!
Rain, rain go away! Oh well, this gives me more time to update my website. Not much going on. I might be getting a new job. If so, I may not be able to update my site as often. That will stink, but hopefully it won't be as bad as I might think. Well, everyone keep in touch! ~*wink*~
Hello. :(  I'm having a poo-stinky day. I re-arranged my website because I was given the impression by someone very special to me that it had a lot of "crap"... only he used naughty words. So I'm depressed. I told him that he hurt my feelings, but he's said that he didn't do anything. There's more to this story, but :(  I'm too sad to talk about it.  Maybe it was time for some deeper arrangement on my website. Now it's arranged so that if all you want to see is pictures, you can do that. If you don't want to weed through the stuff you have to read, it's all in one location so you can easily pass it by. Well, talk to you again soon! Don't forget to sign my guestbook!
Hello!  It's Monday and I'm not enjoying my job today. :( I dread another week of working. Isn't that awful? I'm only 21 and I already wish I could quit working forever. I need a sugar daddy! :) Our Home and Garden Party went very well! We had a bunch of people show up and everyone had a lot of fun. Well, hopefully I'll write more again this week! :) CYA!
Man, I am soooo hating my job right now. I need to get outta here! Stacy and Tracy, you gotta help! Save me! :)  Anyway, nothing much is new here. I got that new Busta cd and it kicks some booty! That Break your neck song is my favorite! Haha! Anyway, more later.....
Almost September 11th again. I can't believe it. I wonder what we'll all do to remember?  This past weekend sucked big time. My boyfriend's best friend passed away. He, of course, is very upset. He won't cry. He won't talk about it. It hurts me very much to see him like this. I've tried my best to help and to be there for him because I want him to need me now. But I can't seem to do anything right. I just want him to need me like I need him. :(  Help!
Today is Wednesday... I can't believe it's September already, SHEESH! My office partner  got a fish and I think it's trying to kill itself. It keeps shoving it's head down into the rocks. Quite humerous. Die, fish, die!!!!
TGIF! I am so glad it's Friday! Well, I'll write more soon... I'm so glad it's Friday, that's all I can think of to write! Haha!
I HAVE A NEW GUESTBOOK! Take a look under my "Contact Me" Page. :)
Hey youz guys. Same ole story here... which is fine with me... the simple-er the better! Right now I'm trying to figure out: What is the perfect baby shower gift? I don't have kids, so I've never really had to think what is most important... I want to say diapers...but if you have any suggestions, email me please! Badlittlesugarbaby@yahoo.com
I have until October to think of something...but I want it to be very special. Aside from that, nothing much is going on. I think I'm going to get serious about the book I'm writing.... believe me, I haven't gotten even half finished, but I hope to get there by the time I'm at least 25. Who knows...just something fun to do. A lot of times, I think the cost would outweigh the return, but oh well. Anyway, I'll post again soon! Cya!
Hey people! That's all I have to say! :P
Hi again, man I'm glad it's Friday. It's been a long week. Working two jobs sure takes the zip out of a person. Anyway, my weekend will hopefully be uneventful. I hope to cuddle with my 190 pound teddy bear and chill out for a couple days. We went to BW3 last night and had some fun. If I could keep Tracy under wraps, things would be just fine. She's a wild woman! Tracy, how are you planning to fit 3 dates into one weekend? Haha! Busssstedd!!!!
GEE WHIZ! Sorry people, it's been a while since my last entry...I haven't been able to access my website because my site has had a bug. :(  So anyway, I'll try to update stuff throughout the weeks to come. :)

5-13-02-  It's been a while since my last entry... after I went to the doctor the last time, he told me I had a growth that had to be removed. I had surgery last Tuesday and the doctor removed three growths instead of just one. Before the surgery, the anesthesiologist tried to give me an iv....the first attempt failed miserably; the vein ruptured and immediately turned black...the second attempt seemed good at the time, but when I woke up, my arm was killing me....it was black, blue, and purple! It was swollen a lot too, so the nurse came in and removed the iv... it had infiltrated! It has been a week and my arm is still badly discolored! I mean BAD.  It's embarrassing. Anyway, after surgery, I puked a lot and I still feel like crap, but I'll take what I can get, I guess. 
4-8-02 -  Well, I haven't found out anything about my condition yet, but I hope to get some idea of what's going on some time this week.  Keep your fingers crossed!  Falling asleep at work now.... zzzz.....zzzzz..... and Im hungry!!! :)
I just found the scariest site in the whole universe!
Turn the sound up on your computer then copy and paste the address below for the scare of your life!!!

"Be a star....poke a hole in someone's darkness"